Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Буряк Л. І. - Графічні моделі в біографічному дискурсі: від ідеї до імплементації (2023)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2023, Issue 24)Ukrainian English

Buriak Larysa

Graphic models in biographical discourse: From idea to implementation

Section: Theory and methodology of modern biography

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to study the graphic model of biography as an alternative form of biographical reconstructions, which is based on the principles of IT technologies particularly the implementation of techniques and methods of infographics. Experimenting with layout, color, graphic elements, the graphic biography focuses attention on key moments in a person’s life. Scientific novelty.The concept of graphic biography, its characteristic features and peculiarities are comprehensively analyzed. Considering the evolution of ideas and socio-cultural transformations, the origins of visual/graphic biographical reconstructions are studied. The graphic model of biography is positioned as a modern and at the same time ambiguous phenomenon, in which numerous visualized "locus of biography" (dates, creativity, ideas, people, art, books, clothes, etc.) are fixed with the help of diagrams, tables, icons and a color scheme, which make up a multi dimensional and a complete picture of the "hero’s" life. To achieve the specified goal, historiographical and art criticism, biographical approach, and comparative analysis were applied and formed the basis of the research methodology. Conclusions. Considering all "pros and cons", it is recognized that the graphic biography offers an innovative approach to the story of a person’s life and indicates the modification of the world biographical discourse. With its ability to relay life experiences through "visual language" the genre of graphic biography expands the boundaries of traditional narratives. Reconstructed with the involvement of infographics inventions, visual biographical reconstructions stimulate the attention of society and become an important communicative resource that reflects modern processes, moral and ethical ideals, values, and worldviews.

Keywords: graphic biography, infographics, "visual language", "visual map of biography", "locus of biography", cartography of biography.

Author(s) citation:

Buriak Larysa (2023). Graphic models in biographical discourse: From idea to implementation. Biographistica Ukrainica, (24) 151-173. (In Ukrainan).


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