Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Яценко О. М. - Аналіз біографічного складника "Енциклопедії українознавства" як джерела для формування "Українського національного біографічного архіву" (2023)

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YatsenkO Oleh

Analysis of the biographical component of the “Encyclopedia of Ukrainian studies” as a source for the formation of the “Ukrainian National Biographical Archive”

Section: Shevchenko Scientific Society in terms of biography (to the 150th anniversary of its foundation)

Abstract: The purpose of the work is to analyze the biographical component of the ten-volume "Encyclopedia of Ukrainian studies: Dictionary part" compiled by specialists of Shevchenko Scientific Society, to highlight its role and place in the process of forming the content of the electronic "Ukrainian National Biographical Archive". The research methodology consists in the application of statistical, comparative, source science methods, general scientific methods of analysis and generalization regarding the principles of compilation of biographical resources. The scientific novelty. In the work, for the first time, a study of the quantitative and substantive content of the personalities of the "Encyclopedia of Ukrainian studies" was carried out, an analysis and comparison of its biographical component with other sources of the "Ukrainian National Biographical Archive" was carried out. Conclusions. The analysis of the "Encyclopedia of Ukrainian studies: Dictionary part" proved that it is one of the largest sources of the "Ukrainian National Biographical Archive" based on the quantitative indicators of the presence of biographical articles on representatives of Ukrainian history and culture. Thanks to the avoidance of evaluation evidence in biographical references, the encyclopedia takes a leading place and is of key importance in the process of forming an electronic biographical resource, providing users with truthful information about thousands of silenced, little-known names of our compatriots. Which makes it possible, on the basis of the material obtained from the encyclopedia, to carry out further biographical research.

Keywords: "Encyclopedia of Ukrainian studies", Shevchenko Scientific Society, "Ukrainian National Biographical Archive", source database.

Author(s) citation:

YatsenkO Oleh (2023). Analysis of the biographical component of the “Encyclopedia of Ukrainian studies” as a source for the formation of the “Ukrainian National Biographical Archive”. Biographistica Ukrainica, (24) 55-76. (In Ukrainan).


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