Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Короленко Б. А. - Останній кримський хан Шагін-Гірей і Україна: маловідомі джерела до біографії (2010)

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Korolenko B. A.

The last Crimean khan Shagin-Girey and Ukraine: little known sources to biography.

Section: Biographic and genealogic surveys

Abstract: The work describes the life of the last Crimean khan Shagin-Girey after his renunciation and transfer of Crimea to Russian Empire. The article states some hypotheses on personal interest of G. Potyomkin in removal of Shagin-Girey from politics and recognition by the latter of illegality of annexation of Crimea.

Keywords: Shagin-Girey, G. Potyomkin, political history of Crimea, Russian Empire of the end of XVIII century.

Author(s) citation:

Korolenko B. A. (2010). The last Crimean khan Shagin-Girey and Ukraine: little known sources to biography.. Biographistica Ukrainica, (7) 159-167. (In Ukrainan). -