Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Ківшар Т. І. - Становлення Степана Сірополка як бібліотекознавця (2010)

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Kivshar T. I.

Establishment of Stepan Siropolko as a library scientist.

Section: Biographic and genealogic surveys

Abstract: Researched life and contribution to the science development and library science activity of the famous Ukrainian scientist, public and political figure Stepan Onysymovych Siropolko (1872-1959). Featured little known before part of the scientific biography S. O. Siropolko of Prilytskyi and Moskovsko-Tulskyi periods of his life.

Keywords: Siropolko Stepan Onysymovych, library, library science, social and political activity, zemska activity.

Author(s) citation:

Kivshar T. I. (2010). Establishment of Stepan Siropolko as a library scientist.. Biographistica Ukrainica, (6) 103-124. (In Ukrainan). -