Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Шалак О. І. - Сергій Венгрженовський — маловідомий фольклорист із Поділля (2010)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2010, Issue 6)Ukrainian English

Shalak O. I.

Serhiy Vengrzhenovskyi – little-known folklorist from Podillya.

Section: History and culture in the light of biographics

Abstract: The work reveals the life of an original ethnologist and folklore specialist, a little known nowadays fellow-soldier of M. Lysenko and V. Antonovych — Sergiy Oleksandrovych Vengrzhenovskyi (1844–1913). The issues analysed in particular are his activity in Podilske Historical and Archaeological Society, his cooperation with M. Lysenko and with the editorial staff of «Kiyevskaya starina» periodical. The attention is concentrated at the specifics of collective activity of Mr. Vengrzhenovskyi and at the peculiarities of the recreation of Ukrainian folklore through Russian graphics of that time.

Keywords: Sergiy Oleksandrovych Vengrzhenovskyi, Podilske Historical and Archaeological Society, folklore, ethnology, Ukrainian and Russian connections.

Author(s) citation:

Shalak O. I. (2010). Serhiy Vengrzhenovskyi – little-known folklorist from Podillya.. Biographistica Ukrainica, (6) 180-192. (In Ukrainan). -