Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Кучеренко С. В. - Іван та Юрій Липи у культурному та політичному житті України (наприкінці ХІХ – у першій половині ХХ ст.) (2011)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2011, Issue 8)Ukrainian English

Kucherenko S. V.

Ivan and Yurii Lypa in cultural and political life of Ukraine (at the end of 19th century – in the first half of 20th century).

Section: History and culture through the prism of biography study

Abstract: This article covers development of lypoznavstvo (learning of the Lypas’ activity) as interdisciplinary branch of the researches. The author emphasizes the problem of conscious choice in life of the Greatest Ukrainians — Ivan and Yurii Lypa. As a result, expediency of holistic approach to research of the personalities is stated.

Keywords: lypoznavstvo, conscious choice, human being’s destination, holistic approach

Author(s) citation:

Kucherenko S. V. (2011). Ivan and Yurii Lypa in cultural and political life of Ukraine (at the end of 19th century – in the first half of 20th century).. Biographistica Ukrainica, (8) 248-263. (In Ukrainan). -