Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Любовець Н. І. - Українська мемуаристика ХІІ–ХVІІІ ст.: біографічна складова (2011)

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Lubovets N. I.

Ukrainian memoiristics of XII–XVIII centuries: biographical component.

Section: Theoretical and methodical problems of biographic researches

Abstract: The main genre types of ancient Ukrainian memoirs (autobiographies, diaries (diariushi), travelling notes, cryptomemoirs) and their peculiarities are discovered. Historical narrative and autobiographical elements they contain are analyzed; criteria of Ukrainian memoiristics evolution are distinguished.

Keywords: memoiristics, ancient Ukrainian memoirs, historical narrative, biographical component, Ukrainian memoiristics evolution

Author(s) citation:

Lubovets N. I. (2011). Ukrainian memoiristics of XII–XVIII centuries: biographical component.. Biographistica Ukrainica, (8) 51-97. (In Ukrainan). -