Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Гнатенко Л. А. - Пилип Семенович Морачевський — український просвітитель середини ХІХ ст., педагог, письменник, перекладач, книгознавець, Котенко Т. І. (2011)

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Gnatenko L. A., Kotenko T. I.

Pylyp Semenovich Morachevskiy — Ukrainian enlightener of the middle of 19th century, pedagogue, writer, translator, bibliognost

Section: Biographical and genealogical prospecting

Abstract: Research of life and creative activity of Philip Semenovich Morachevsky (1806–1879), which entered history of the Ukrainian culture as the fi rst translator of books of New Testament and Psalter of new Ukrainian by the e literary language of middle of XIX of item. Before research new data are attracted on the archived sources. It is marked that for today yet there is not the complex worked out scientific biography of Ph. S. Morachevsky.

Keywords: P. S. Morachevsky, biography, pedagogical activity, literary activity, manuscript, verse, poem, translating of texts of Saint Letter.

Author(s) citation:

Gnatenko L. A. (2011). Pylyp Semenovich Morachevskiy — Ukrainian enlightener of the middle of 19th century, pedagogue, writer, translator, bibliognost. Biographistica Ukrainica, (8) 175-190. (In Ukrainan). -