Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Горбатюк М. В. - Андрій Ніковський як активний діяч українського товариства "Просвіта" та Українського клубу в Одесі (1906–1912 рр.) (2011)

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Gorbatyuk M. V.

Andrew Nikovskiy as an active participant of Ukrainian association «Prosvita» and Ukrainian club in Odessa (1906 – 1912)

Section: Biographical and genealogical prospecting

Abstract: The participation of the well-known Ukrainian sociopolitical figure Andrii Vasyl’ovych Nikovskyi in the activity of the Odessa society «Prosvita» and the Ukrainian Club in Odessa is investigated. The main directions of his activity in above-mentioned societies are determined and analyzed. The contribution of the fi gure in formation and development of cultural-educational movement in Ukraine is viewed.

Keywords: Nikovskyi Andrii Vasyl’ovych, the Society «Prosvita» in Odessa, the Ukrainian Club in Odessa, cultural-educational movement in Ukraine.

Author(s) citation:

Gorbatyuk M. V. (2011). Andrew Nikovskiy as an active participant of Ukrainian association «Prosvita» and Ukrainian club in Odessa (1906 – 1912). Biographistica Ukrainica, (8) 191-207. (In Ukrainan). -