Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Бугаєва О. В. - Архівна біографіка діячів музичної культури в особових фондах Іституту рукопису НБУВ (2012)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2012, Issue 9)Ukrainian English

Bugaeva O. V.

The archival biohrafika of the Ukrainian musical art’s in personal funds at Initytut of Manuscript of the National V.I.Vernadsky Library’s.

Section: Biographic information resources

Abstract: The archival heritage of musical art is explored in the context of modern understanding of the archival documents content value: a historical document and information resource of biographic Ukrainian music. It highlights the features of personal archives of Ukraine from end XIX–XX century. The comprehensive review of the archival documents as part of the Ukrainian national biographics are proposed in this article. The archival collections of the prominent and unknown musicians such as J. Berkowitz, P. Vaksel, A. Dzbanovsky, I. Dubyansky, F. Kozitsky, F. Kolessa, S. Nanij, F. Protsenko, P. Senitsa, K. Stetsenko, T. Sheffer and other have been analyzed.

Keywords: musical biografic, personal archival collection, archival documents, information resource.

Author(s) citation:

Bugaeva O. V. (2012). The archival biohrafika of the Ukrainian musical art’s in personal funds at Initytut of Manuscript of the National V.I.Vernadsky Library’s.. Biographistica Ukrainica, (9) 239-274. (In Ukrainan). -