Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Рева Л. Г. - Іван Вагилевич і проблема україно-польського громадянського та культурного по­ру­біжжя (2012)

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Reva L. G.

Ivan Vahylevych and the problem of Ukrainian-Polish civil and cultural borderland.

Section: History and culture in the light of biographics

Abstract: Life and activity of I. Vahylevych are analyzed in the context of Ukrainian-Polish borderland as a separate socio-cultural environment. An attempt is made to reread his life history and creative work on the newest historical and cultural grounds.

Keywords: biography study, Ivan Vahylevych, Markiyan Shashkevych, enlighteners, literature, ethnography, oral folk arts.

Author(s) citation:

Reva L. G. (2012). Ivan Vahylevych and the problem of Ukrainian-Polish civil and cultural borderland.. Biographistica Ukrainica, (9) 338-351. (In Ukrainan). -