Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Марченко Н. П. - Автобіографія дитинства у межах біографічного дискурсу (2012)

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Marchenko N.P.

Autobiography of childhood in terms of biographic discourse.

Section: Theoretical and methodical problems of biographic researchers

Abstract: Experience of childhood research in terms of historical discourse and allied disciplines is analyzed; there is an attempt to determine within which boundaries the autobiography of childhood can be a source of biographic knowledge and in which forms it can exist in the biography study.

Keywords: biography study, biography, sources of biographic researches, history of childhood, autobiography of childhood.

Author(s) citation:

Marchenko N.P. (2012). Autobiography of childhood in terms of biographic discourse.. Biographistica Ukrainica, (9) 90-109. (In Ukrainan). -