Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Ляшко С. М. - Життєпис роду Гамченків: проблеми просопографії в контексті особливостей історичного часу та джерельної бази (2012)

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Lyashko S. M.

Life history of the Gamchenko family: problems of prosopography in the context of features of historical period and source base.

Section: Biography study researches

Abstract: Subjective, objective and source studying problems of depicting biographies and fates of people, who were representatives of officers’ corps of the Russian Empire armed forces, and after 1917 had to integrate into military and socio-political life of Ukraine, are considered as exemplified by the Gamchenko family’s life history.

Keywords: biography, source base, officers’ corps of the Russian Empire.

Author(s) citation:

Lyashko S. M. (2012). Life history of the Gamchenko family: problems of prosopography in the context of features of historical period and source base.. Biographistica Ukrainica, (9) 110-158. (In Ukrainan). -