Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Пилипенко О. Є. - Микола Марти­ніанович Цитович: наукова та громадська діяльність, Єфіменко В.П. (2012)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2012, Issue 9)Ukrainian English

Pylypenko O. E., Efimenko V. P.

Mykola Martynianovych Tsytovych: pedagogical and scientific activity.

Section: Biography study researches

Abstract: The article The Mykola Martynianovych Tsytovych’s biography is devoted to long period of life of the professor and rector of the University of Sant Volodymyr. On the basis of for the first time used archival sources the authors narrates about the future scholar’s years: study at the University, preparation for the professorial title, academic trip abroad, civil activity and other analyzed.

Keywords: M. M. Tsytovych, biography, scientific activity, pedagogical activity, manuscript, book.

Author(s) citation:

Pylypenko O. E. (2012). Mykola Martynianovych Tsytovych: pedagogical and scientific activity.. Biographistica Ukrainica, (9) 159-168. (In Ukrainan). -