Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Ківшар Т. І. - Внесок української еміграції у розвиток бібліотекознавства, книгознавства й бібліографії: діяльність Петра Зленка (2013)

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Kivshar T. I.

Contribution of Ukrainian Prague emigration into the development of bibliography, library science and book science: Petro Zelenko’s input.

Abstract: Biographical information about one of the Prague Ukrainian emigration bibliography scientists, library scientists and book scientists, Petr Zelenko was systematized and analyzed, his activities in Prague in 1920-1940 of XX century, his input into the development of Ukrainian book culture, book history and library activities, national and historical bibliography and bibliography ukrainika were highlighted.

Keywords: Petr Andriivych Zelenko, library science, book science, bibliography, Ukrainian book, library affairs, book affairs.

Author(s) citation:

Kivshar T. I. (2013). Contribution of Ukrainian Prague emigration into the development of bibliography, library science and book science: Petro Zelenko’s input.. Biographistica Ukrainica, (10) 241-281. (In Ukrainan). -