Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Кароєва (Соломонова) Т. Р. - Бібліотечний фонд Немирівської чоловічої гімназії до колективного портрету її викладачів межі 1850-60-х років (2013)

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Karoyeva (Solomonova) T. R.

Library Stock Data of Nemirov Town Men's Gymnasium as Addition to Collective Portrait of its Teachers at the turn of 1850–60-th.

Abstract: On the basis of the fund periodicals from the library Nemyriv gymnasium author clarifies the dominant ideological attitudes of the teaching staff at the border 1850–60’s XX s.

Keywords: Nemirov-town men’s gymnasium, library stock, periodicals, collective biography, prosopografical analysis, ideological views.

Author(s) citation:

Karoyeva (Solomonova) T. R. (2013). Library Stock Data of Nemirov Town Men's Gymnasium as Addition to Collective Portrait of its Teachers at the turn of 1850–60-th.. Biographistica Ukrainica, (10) 452-464. (In Ukrainan). -