Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Демченко Т. П. - 100-річчя від дня народження Тараса Шевченка на сторінках чернігівської преси (2014)

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Demchenko T.

The Taras Shevchenko’s one hundred anniversaries on the pages of Chernihiv periodicals.

Section: T.G. Shevchenko in history and culture of Ukraine

Abstract: The article deals with the contents of dedicated Taras Shevchenko’s one hundred anniversaries publications, which appeared in local periodicals during the first quarter of 1914.

Keywords: Taras Shevchenko, one hundred anniversaries, Chernihiv province, local periodicas, self-government’s steps, state authority’s prohibitions.

Author(s) citation:

Demchenko T. (2014). The Taras Shevchenko’s one hundred anniversaries on the pages of Chernihiv periodicals.. Biographistica Ukrainica, (11) 174-189. (In Ukrainan). -