Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Стамбол І. І. - Наслідування заповітів Т. Шевченка на прикладі життєвого шляху І. Липи (1865–1923 рр.) (2014)

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Stambol I.

Imitation of T. Shevchenko`s wills on the example of life journey of I. Lypa (1865–1923 years).

Section: T.G. Shevchenko in fates of Ukrainians

Abstract: In the article the influence of personality and creativity Shevchenko on the formation of I.Lypa`s views and activities was elucidated. Ideological orientation the figure and practical applications throughout his life were defined.

Keywords: Ivan Lypa, Ukrainian intelligentsia, Shevchenko anniversaries, "Brotherhood Tarasivtsiv", medical practice, journalism.

Author(s) citation:

Stambol I. (2014). Imitation of T. Shevchenko`s wills on the example of life journey of I. Lypa (1865–1923 years).. Biographistica Ukrainica, (11) 72-85. (In Ukrainan). -