Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Матросов Я. М. - Сподвижник української справи на Катеринославщині Іван Михайлович Труба (1878–1950) (2015)

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Matrosov Y. N.

Associate of Ukrainian business on the Yekaterinoslaw region Ivan Mikhajlovich Truba (1878-1950)

Abstract: The course of life, pedagogical and elucidative activity, is lighted up in area of education, culture, politics, ukrainizaciy of edge of epoch of Central For the sake of the well-known Ukrainian publicman I. М. Truba (1878–1950), his publications of educational and elucidative subjects are analysed.

Keywords: I. М. Truba, writer, social and political figure, figure of education, ukrainizaciy of edge.

Author(s) citation:
  • Matrosov Y. N. (engineer, researcher of a particular region, Dnipropetrovsk)

Matrosov Y. N. (2015). Associate of Ukrainian business on the Yekaterinoslaw region Ivan Mikhajlovich Truba (1878-1950). Biographistica Ukrainica, (12) 251-282. (In Ukrainan).


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