Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Індиченко Г. В. - Співпраця українських та австрійських учених у створенні "Австрійського біографічного словника" (2015)

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Indychenko G.

Cooperation of the Ukrainian and Austrian scientists on the creation of "The Austrian Biographical Dictionary"

Abstract: Investigated the cooperation AS of the Ukrainian SSR and the Austrian Academy of Sciences in creation of "The Austrian Biographical Dictionary". The archival documents which are preserved in the Archive of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine on the investigated topic were analyzed. Determined that the initiative for assistance in compiling biographical reference on prominent Ukrainian figures who lived in Austria-Hungary was belonged to the Austrian Academy of Sciences which ex parte of its president, professor Dr. Richard Master sent a letter to the Presidium of the AS of the Ukrainian SSR. Reveals the importance of research work which was done by Ukrainian scientists on the compilation of biographical information on Ukrainian figures of different professions.

Keywords: "The Austrian biographical dictionary", AS of the Ukrainian SSR, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian prominent figures, cooperation.

Author(s) citation:

Indychenko G. (2015). Cooperation of the Ukrainian and Austrian scientists on the creation of "The Austrian Biographical Dictionary". Biographistica Ukrainica, (12) 312-325. (In Ukrainan).


  1. Archive Presidium of NAS of Ukraine, f. 251, in. “Viddil naukovykh zv’iazkiv z zarubizhnymy orhanizatsiiamy” [“Department of scientific relations with foreign organizations”].
  2. Archival Institute of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, f. 261, in. 1, c. 470.
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  4. Popyk, V. I. (2013). Resursy dovidkovoi biohrafichnoi informatsii: istorychnyi dosvid formuvannia, suchasnyi stan, problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku [Resources of references biographical information, historical experience of formation, current status, problems and prospects]. Kyiv: VNLU. [in Ukrainian].
  5. Prezydentu Avstriiskoi akademii nauk profesoru Antonu Tsailinheru prysvoieno zvannia “Pochesnyi doktor Natsionalnoi akademii nauk Ukrainy” [President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Professor Anton Tsaylinheru awarded the title “Doctor Honoris Causa of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].