Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Майборода П. А. - Г. Готалов-Готліб на вершині адміністративної кар’єри : життя та діяльність одеського вченого в 1944–1952 р. (2016)

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Maiboroda P. A.

A. G. Gotalov-Gottlieb on top of the administrative career: the life and work of the Odessa scholar in 1944–1952

Section: Biographical and genealogical researches

Abstract: The article is devoted to the Odesa Byzantinist and pedagogue A. Gotalov-Gottlieb (1866–1960). It characterizes its scientific, administrative and educational activities for the period from 1944 to 1952, when he held the position of the Head of the Department of Ancient History and archeology and Department of pedagogy. The ups and downs of life of professor is shown on broad background of the “ideological companies" and persecution, which was exposed both by A. Gotal-Gottlieb and his colleagues-scholars

Keywords: A. Gotalov-Gottlieb, late Stalinism, ideological company, Byzantine science, education, scientific traditions

Author(s) citation:

Maiboroda P. A. (2016). A. G. Gotalov-Gottlieb on top of the administrative career: the life and work of the Odessa scholar in 1944–1952. Biographistica Ukrainica, (14) 116-141. (In Ukrainan).


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