Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Міщук С. М. - Студії Петра Абрамовича (1881 – 1944) з історії Української революції 1917 – 1921 рр. на Волині, Мацелюх К. C. (2017)

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Mischuk S. , Matselyukh K.

Studies of Peter Abramovich (1881 – 1944) on the history of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917 – 1921 in Volhynia

Section: The era of the Ukrainian revolution (1917–1921) in the discourse of biographical science

Abstract: The article covers the period of life and research of Petr Abramovich during the period of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921. His personal foundation was the basis of the research, which was preserved in the State Archive of Zhytomyr Region. It has a significant scientific value, which allows you to add information about a scientist, putting in circulation new documents and revealing the potential of his personal fund.

Keywords: P. Abramovich, The Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921, Zhytomyr, Volyn, regional studies, public figure, pedagogical activities.

Author(s) citation:

Mischuk S. (2017). Studies of Peter Abramovich (1881 – 1944) on the history of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917 – 1921 in Volhynia. Biographistica Ukrainica, (15) 89-104. (In Ukrainan).


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