Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Яценко О. М. - Місце і роль біобібліографічної діяльності в стратегії розвитку сучасних бібліотек (2018)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2018, Issue 16)Ukrainian English

Yatsenko Oleh

Place and role of biobibliographic activities within the strategy of contemporary libraries development

Section: From the practice of biographical science

Abstract: The value of biobibliographic activities during the transformation of libraries operation in the modern information society is shown. It is emphasized that they are on the way of transforming from traditional book depositories with functions of information servicing of users into institutions for processing, analysis, research of information and working out new knowledge based on obtained findings. Having studied a variety of biobibliographic data of domestic library and data institutions, it was determined that libraries of Ukraine accumulated significant experience for working out and publishing biobibliographic products, and the trend of presenting them in a digital form was noticed as well. It is pointed out that nowadays in Ukraine there is no general (unified) biobibliographic dictionary with biographic information, data about its figures and lists of reference sources. Currently this information is disseminated among various libraries, archives, private collections. The digital Ukrainian National Biographic Archive being developed by the Institute of Biographical Science of V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine could be a prototype of such a dictionary. However, due to different reasons, information and library support of biobibliographic activities today is non-satisfactory. It is caused by intersectoral manner of research and lack of coordination of these operations, difficulties in bibliographic search of data about its figures and many other problems. Elimination of unsolved theoretical issues, improvement of methods for personal bibliographic indexes composition and their application within the libraries operation is one of the crucial tasks of domestic bibliographic science. A number of improved methodical tools for the formation and actualization of the national biobibliographic resource by electronic integrated biobibliographic databases was suggested; an idea for joint formation by libraries of Ukraine of a unified depositary of digital full texts of personal biobibliographic indexes was proposed.

Keywords: biobibliography, biobibliographic resource, library, library technology.

Author(s) citation:

Yatsenko Oleh (2018). Place and role of biobibliographic activities within the strategy of contemporary libraries development. Biographistica Ukrainica, (16) 225–237. (In Ukrainan).


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