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Belov O. - Hetman Ivan Mazepa’s coat of arms as the object of potestary imagology, Shapovalov H. (2020)

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Belov O., Shapovalov H.

Hetman Ivan Mazepa’s coat of arms as the object of potestary imagology

Abstract: The paper studies the biography of prominent historical figure hetman Ivan Mazepa using the methodological framework of potestary imagology. The priority is given to such methods of potestary imagology as studying the image of the power through close examination and structural ties with other images of the same culture: rituals, ceremonies, images, symbols. The subject of the paper is the hetman’s coat-of-arms, first of all its stavrographic aspect, going back to Saint Clement’s anchored cross symbol.

Keywords: coat of arms, engraving, Ivan Mazepa, Stefan Yavorsky, Ivan Shchyrsky, anchor, image of the power, potestary imagology, cross, anchored cross

Author(s) citation:

Belov O. (2020). Hetman Ivan Mazepa’s coat of arms as the object of potestary imagology. Biographistica Ukrainica, (19) 135-144.


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