Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Бугаєва О. В. - Новітні українські музично-біографічні видання для дітей і юнацтва, Марченко Н. П. (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 19)Ukrainian English

Bugaeva O., Marchenko N.

The latest Ukrainian biographical publications for children and youth about musicians

Abstract: For the first time an attempt was made to systematize and generalize modern Ukrainian musical and biographical editions of fiction and non-fiction for children and youth and to analyze typical approaches to the selection of musicians and ways of retelling their biographies for readers-children of different ages. Biographical works for children and youth about Ukrainian musicians by N. Topska, as well as publications about domestic musicians in the book series "Life of outstanding children", "12 points. History of Ukraine" "A priori - for children", "Outstanding Ukrainians. People who made history" and the collections "She Did It" and "Amazing Personalities That Changed the 20th Century: 20 Amazing Girls That Changed the 20th Century. 20 Amazing Guys That Changed the 20th Century" are considered. The issue of reflecting the biographies of Ukrainian musicians in a books for children and youth is not the subject of systematic research today, but exists as isolated mentions in the context of general biographical studies of books for children and biographic discussions and reviews of individual publications. It was found that after the dramatic events of 2014, children's biographical publications were supplemented by motivational stories about modern idols of youth (for example, Kuzma Scriabin), Ukrainians of the diaspora who realized themselves outside the country (Kvitka Tsisyk), as well as gender publications, picture books and so on. The genre features of biographical works, reflected in the plot, system of images, chronotope, stylistic features of texts are determined. The important role of musical and pictorial illustration in revealing to children the individual peculiarities of musicians' perception of the world is pointed out. The specific features of documentary literature in biographical stories for children are traced, as well as the peculiarities in the choice of means, methods of drawing and the author's position.

Keywords: music and biographical publications for children and youth, book for children and youth, biography of a musician for children and youth, biography.

Author(s) citation:

Bugaeva O. (2020). The latest Ukrainian biographical publications for children and youth about musicians. Biographistica Ukrainica, (19) 86-100. (In Ukrainan).


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