Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Любовець Н. І. - Видавничі серії українських мемуарів у контексті соціальних комунікацій (2020)

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Lyubovets N.

Publishing series of Ukrainian memoirs in the context social communications

Abstract: The place and role of memoirs as a unique resource in the system of social communications is analyzed, a feature of which is the ability to store and transmit information about past events, generalizing the individual experience of the author. Three communication models are considered, it is noted that memoirs fit most into the model of dialogue communication as a means of social communication of the author of the memoirs and his potential reader. The communication importance of the memoirs, their ability to influence the formation of personality, individual and collective historical memory, to provide an impetus for self-realization and self-development through the assimilation of the Other's experience is emphasized. Memoirs are considered in various types of communication – interpersonal, family, intergenerational, professional. The analysis was carried out on the materials of three publishing series on the subject of intention, authorship, readership, content, form of representation. The types of social communication that come into force upon reading them, new forms of representing memoirs are defined. The experience of using the memory – interview genre is especially valuable, which makes it possible to establish a direct dialogue between the parties to the interviewing process and the reader, which makes them an important content source for the exchange of experience between generations, and the use of the latest means of transmitting information makes this dialogue even more emotionally rich than simple reading. It is noted that the realities of our life show an insufficient level of access for a wide circle of readers to memoir series, which makes them little known to the general public and, thus, their enormous communication (informational, educational, upbringing) potential is lost.

Keywords: memoirs, social communications, publishing series of Ukrainian memoirs.

Author(s) citation:

Lyubovets N. (2020). Publishing series of Ukrainian memoirs in the context social communications. Biographistica Ukrainica, (19) 101-120. (In Ukrainan).


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