Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Бондарева О. Є. - Драматургічна антологія біографічних п’єс "Таїна буття" та її культурні контексти (2021)

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Bondareva Olena

Dramatic anthology of biographical plays “The Secret of Being” and its cultural contexts

Section: Theory and methodology of modern biography

Abstract: The goal of the work. The research is devoted to the modern Ukrainian anthology of biographical drama. The goal of the work is to analyze the anthology “The Secret of Being” in the context of the modern anthology of the literary process, the creation of its parallel versions, trends in modern biography. The research methodology is at the intersection of cultural-historical school, cultural anthropology, postcolonial studies and textual analysis. The general scientific principle of the ratio of parts and whole is taken into account, universal types of characters and individual authorial strategies of modern dramatic biography in Ukraine are determined. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the introduction to the field of scientific analysis of significant facts of the modern literary process, in determining the basic axiological priorities of the new Ukrainian cultural canon and ways of its design by means of modern Ukrainian drama. The changes that characterize the dynamics of today’s Ukrainian biographical drama are identified. It is found out which author’s strategies are offered by modern Ukrainian playwrights to rethink key biographical figures of modern Ukrainian history and culture. It is noted that the interest of modern Ukrainian drama in rethinking well-known literary biographies is associated with the formation of a new civic identity of Ukrainians and the definition of the civilization vector of the country in the 21th century. Conclusion. The dramatic anthology “The Secret of Being” is a representative project of the Les Kurbas National Center of Theater Arts, which started the stage of collections in the history of anthologies of modern Ukrainian drama. Dramaturgy not only responds to the modern reformatting of national state and cultural pantheons, but also offers its own versions of the latest canonization, actively developing biographical metagenres, relying on new humanitarian reflections and creating its own cultural intertext. The figures of Taras Shevchenko, Lesya Ukrainka, and Ivan Franko, who have long been present in the cultural canon, are being reconsidered, accents in the perception of the images of Ivan Mazepa and Stepan Bandera are changing, Ivan Mykolaychuk, Kvitka Tsisyk, Kateryna Bilokur, Andrei Sheptytsky. The corpus of dramatic texts of the anthology represents significant biographical strategies of literary writing, rele- vant in current texts of modern Ukrainian drama.

Keywords: biographical drama, anthology, genre, literary biography, identity, cultural pantheon, intertextual space.

Author(s) citation:

Bondareva Olena (2021). Dramatic anthology of biographical plays “The Secret of Being” and its cultural contexts. Biographistica Ukrainica, (21) 242-264. (In Ukrainan).


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