Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Belov O. - Hetman Ivan Mazepa’s coat of arms as the object of potestary imagology, Shapovalov H. (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 19)Ukrainian English

Belov O., Shapovalov H.

Hetman Ivan Mazepa’s coat of arms as the object of potestary imagology

Abstract: The paper studies the biography of prominent historical figure hetman Ivan Mazepa using the methodological framework of potestary imagology. The priority is given to such methods of potestary imagology as studying the image of the power through close examination and structural ties with other images of the same culture: rituals, ceremonies, images, symbols. The subject of the paper is the hetman’s coat-of-arms, first of all its stavrographic aspect, going back to Saint Clement’s anchored cross symbol.

Keywords: coat of arms, engraving, Ivan Mazepa, Stefan Yavorsky, Ivan Shchyrsky, anchor, image of the power, potestary imagology, cross, anchored cross

Author(s) citation:

Belov O. (2020). Hetman Ivan Mazepa’s coat of arms as the object of potestary imagology. Biographistica Ukrainica, (19) 135-144.


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Мінсеун Кім - Джерела до реконструкції наукової біографії Марка Варшавчика (1918–2001). (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 22)Ukrainian English

Minseung Kim

Sources for the scientific biography reconstruction of Mark Varshavchyk (1918-2001)


Abstract: The aim of the article is a comprehensive study, analysis, and systematization of a group of sources that present the figure of Mark Yakymovych Varshavchyk (1918-1921) as a famous Ukrainian historian, source researcher, and archivist.The scientific novelty is in the identification and characterization of documents that cover the scientific field of M. Ya. Varshavchyk. Attention is focused on significant events in the scientist’s life, reflected in written and visual sources. The content saturation and the level of information potential of documents are established; their actualization is carried out.The methodology is based on the theoretical foundations of modern sourcestudies, principles of scientific knowledge: historicism, systematics, and objectivity, which allows the study of past phenomena, actions, and behavior of individuals, taking into account socio-cultural and ideological factors and realities of public life. Preference is given to the biographical method, as well as the method of oral history (interviewing), which consists in recording the experience of the individual and using the information obtained to reconstruct the past.

Keywords: M. Ya. Varshavchyk, scientific biography, historical source, archival documents, theoretical source studies.

Author(s) citation:

Minseung Kim (2021). Sources for the scientific biography reconstruction of Mark Varshavchyk (1918-2001). Biographistica Ukrainica, (22) 180-189.


  1. Kim Minseung (2021, March). Marko Varshavchyk v intelektualnomu otochenni istorykiv Kyivskoho universytetu [Marko Varshavchyk in the intellectual environment of historians of Kyiv University]. In Shevchenkivska Vesna-2021: history. Proceedings of the 19th International Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists (pp. 164-167). Kyiv, Ukraine: [National Taras Shevchenko University]. [in Ukrainian].
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  3. Voitsekhivska, I. N., Buriak, L. I., …. Kalakura Ya. S. (2018). Profesor Marko Varshavchyk (do 100-richchia vid dnia narodzhennia) [Professor Marko Varshavchyk (to the 100th anniversary of his birth)]. Korsun-Shevchenkivsky, Ukraine: FOP I. V. Maidachenko. [in Ukrainian].
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  5. Voitsekhivska, I. N., Paliienko, M. G. (2019) Tvorchyi dorobok profesorsko-vykladatskoho kolektyvu kafedry arkhivoznavstva ta spetsialnykh haluzei istorychnoi nauky: do 75-richchia diialnosti (1944-2019). Vybrana bibliohrafiia [Creative work of the teaching staff of the Department of Archival Studies and Special Branches of Historical Science: to the 75th anniversary (1944-2019). Selected bibliography]. Kyiv, Ukraine: Inter-service. [in Ukrainian].
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Химка І.-П. - Петро Саварин і Західнoканадське відділення Наукового товариства імені Шевченка (2023)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2023, Issue 24)Ukrainian English

Himka John-Paul

Peter Savaryn and the Western Canadian Branch of the Shevchenko Scientific Society

Section: Shevchenko Scientific Society in terms of biography (to the 150th anniversary of its foundation)

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to research an important page of Peter Savaryn’s (1926–2017) biography, which reveals his work within the Western Canadian branch of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. Despite the difficult circumstances of the Ukrainian scientific emigration life in Western Canada, he made extraordinary efforts to establish the fruitful work of the Shevchenko Scientific Society and publishing it’s issue the Zakhidn’okanads’kyi zbirnyk. Scientific novelty. A multifaceted biographical portrait of Peter Savaryn has been created in the context of Western Canadian branch of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. The extraordinary person and one of the most influential figures of the post-war Ukrainian emigration in Canada is represented through the personal perception of the author of the article, who was a close friend of Peter Savaryn. The Shevchenko Scientific Society is a key concept, which reflects the main features of Peter Savaryn’s character, first, his inexhaustible energy, human decency, devotion to the idea of preserving Ukrainians in the world, and boundless love for Ukraine. Accented relations of Peter Savaryn with representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora, members of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, contributors to the Zakhidn’okanads’kyi zbirnyk identify his position as a respectful and wise person with rich life experience and high moral ideals. The research methodology is based on the biographical criticism, focused on the historical-documentary analysis of the memoirs of Peter Savaryn and his epistolary legacy, which is stored in the Provincial Archives of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada). Conclusion. Based on the representative array of archival documents, numerous facts reflected in the correspondence and reflections noted in memoirs, as well as the author’s own observations during long work at the Western Canadian Branch of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, the significant and intense work of Peter Savaryn aimed at the development of Ukrainian science in the world and his profound influence on the activities of this organization in Western Canada is substantiated.

Keywords: biography, Peter Savaryn, Western Canadian Branch of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada, Zakhidn’okanads’kyi zbirnyk.

Author(s) citation:

Himka John-Paul (2023). Peter Savaryn and the Western Canadian Branch of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. Biographistica Ukrainica, (24) 41-54.


  1. Darevych, D. (2014). Do istorii NTSh v Kanadi [To the history of NTSH in Canada]. Zakhidnokanadskyi Zbirnyk, 47(7), 154-176. [In Ukrainian].
  2. Kysla, Yu. (2020). Nauka u vyhnanni: Z istorii Zakhidnokanadskoho oseredku Naukovoho Tovarystva im. Shevchenka [Science in exile: From the history of the Western Canadian branch of the Shevchenko Scientific Society]. Zakhidnokanadskyi Zbirnyk, 49, 14-46. [In Ukrainian].
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  4. Savaryn, P. (2007). Z soboiu vzialy Ukrainu: Vid Ternopillia do Alberty [They took Ukraine with them: From Ternopillia to Alberta]. Kyiv, Ukraine: Kompiuterno-vydavnychyi informatsiinyi tsentr. [In Ukrainian].
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